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Publications and Presentations


Journal Articles

Under Review:

  • Martin, Kim, Susan Brown, Abi Lemak, Alliyya Mo, Deb Stacey, Jasmine Drudge-Willson, and Joel Cummings. “Cultural Formations: Representing Intersectionality in Linked Data.” Journal of Cultural Analytics.



  • Brown, Susan. “Same Difference: Identity and Diversity in Linked Open Cultural Data.” International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing 16, no. 1 (2022): 1-16.
  • Canning, Erin, Susan Brown, Sarah Roger, and Kim Martin. “The Power to Structure: Making Meaning from Metadata through Ontologies.” Special Issue, KULA: Knowledge Creation, Dissemination, and Preservation Studies 6, no. 3 (2022): 1-15.


  • Brown, Susan and John Simpson. “Qu’y a-t-il dans un nom ?, Les données ouvertes liées comme base d’une écologie pour la publication scientifique, dynamique et décentrée.” Translated by Jasmine Drudge-Willson. Sens public (March 1, 2021).
  • Goddard, Lisa. “Persistent Identifiers as Open Research Infrastructure to Reduce Administrative Burden.” Pop!, no. 3 (November 9, 2021).
  • Meagher, Michelle and Kylie Burton. “Sustaining a Feminist Periodical: Economic Print Ephemera in Heresies.” Australian Feminist Studies 36, no. 109 (2021): 313–334.
  • Rockwell, Geoffrey, Kaylin Land, and Andrew MacDonald. “Social Analytics Through Spyral.” Pop!, no. 3 (November 9, 2021).


Book Chapters


  • Brown, Susan. “Replatforming.” In Critical Infrastructure Studies, edited by Alan Liu, Urszula Pawlicka-Deger, and James Smithies. Debates in the Digital Humanities series. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press.
  • Brown, Susan and Laura Mandell. “Feminist Infrastructure Building.” In Feminism and Digital Humanities, edited by Lisa Rhody and Susan Schreibman.


  • Allison-Cassin, Stacy. “Indigenous Nationhood, Sovereignty and Linked Data: A Wikidata Case Study Examination of the Métis Nation.” In Ethics in Linked Data, edited by Kathleen Burlingame, Alexandra Provo, and B. M. Watson. Sacramento, CA: Litwin Books, 2023.
  • Brown, Susan. "Digital Editions.” Cambridge Concepts: Literature and Technology. Ed. Adam Hammond. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2023. 396-416.
  • Brown, Susan. “Afterword: The Landscape and the Horizon.” In Canadian Digital Humanities: Future Horizons, edited by Paul Barrett and Sarah Roger. Ottawa, ON: University of Ottawa Press, 2023.
  • Brown, Susan, Erin Canning, Kim Martin, and Sarah Roger. “Ethical Considerations in the Development of Responsible Linked Open Data Infrastructure.” In Ethics in Linked Data, edited by Kathleen Burlingame, Alexandra Provo, and B. M. Watson. Sacramento, CA: Litwin Books, 2023.
  • Brown, Susan, Kim Martin, and Asen Ivanov. “Linking Out: The Long Now of DH Infrastructures.” In Canadian Digital Humanities: Future Horizons, edited by Paul Barrett and Sarah Roger. Ottawa, ON: University of Ottawa Press, 2023.


  • Crompton, Constance. “SémantiQueer: Making Linked Data to Support Intergenerational Cultural Transmission.” In The Palgrave Handbook of Digital and Public Humanities, edited by Tara Thompson and Anne Swan. Palgrave MacMillan, 2022.



  • Brown, Susan and Kim Martin. “Data Remediation as Collaborative Process.” In DH 2023 Book of Abstracts, edited by Anne Baillot, Toma Tasovac, Walter Scholger, and Georg Vogeler. 287-288. Austria: Centre for Information Modelling–Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities.

Reports and Position Papers




  • Brown, Susan and Deb Stacey. “The Future of Cloud as DRI.” New Digital Research Infrastructure. 2020.
  • Brown, Susan and Jeffery Antoniuk. “Interface Matters.” New Digital Research Infrastructure. 2020.
  • Brown, Susan. “Sustaining Digital Research Infrastructure in the Humanities.” New Digital Research Infrastructure. 2020.

Blog Posts






  • Brown, Susan, Deborah Stacey, Abigel Lemak, Jasmine Drudge-Willson, Joel Cummings, Kim Martin, and Jingyi Long. Injuries and Illnesses Vocabulary. 2022.
  • Drudge-Willson, Jasmine, Diane Jakacki, Kim Martin, Brent Nelson, Janelle Jenstad, Kate LeBere, Kyle Dase, Molly Rothwell, and Rachel Milio. Early Modern London Place Type Vocabulary. 2022.
  • Warren, Robert, Susan Brown, Deborah Stacey, Abigel Lemak, Jasmine Drudge-Willson, Joel Cummings, Kim Martin, Jingyi Long, Hannah Stewart, Jade Penancier, Micaela Jimenez, Michaela Rye, and Thomas Smith. Genre Vocabulary. 2022.
  • Warren, Robert, Susan Brown, Deborah Stacey, Abigel Lemak, Jasmine Drudge-Willson, Joel Cummings, Kim Martin, Jingyi Long, Colin Faulkner, Gurjap Singh, Hannah Stewart, Jade Penancier, John Simpson, and Laiba Mustafa. Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory Vocabulary. 2022.


Conference Papers


  • Brown, Susan and Kim Martin. “The Linked Infrastructure for Networked Cultural Scholarship (LINCS): Bridging the Research/Heritage Collection Gap.” With Kim Martin. Reimagining Annotation for Multimodal Cultural Heritage. Université Rennes 2. 9 February, 2024.
  • Jakacki, Diane and Susan Brown. “The Linked Editing Academic Framework (LEAF) in the Multimodal Annotation Ecosystem.” Reimagining Annotation for Multimodal Cultural Heritage. Université Rennes 2. 8 February, 2024.


  • Brown, Susan. “The Magic of PIDs for Research(ers).” Paper presented at Canadian Research Knowledge Network Member Summit. October 4, 2023.
  • Brown, Susan and Kim Martin. “Collaborative Data Remediation for the Semantic Web.” Paper presented at DH2023. Graz, Austria. July 13, 2023.
  • Brown, Susan and Kim Martin. “Mapping Links.” Paper presented at Canadian Society For Digital Humanities / Société Canadienne Des Humanités Numériques. Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. York University. May 30, 2023.
  • Brown, Susan and Sarah Roger. “Standards and Interoperability for Sustainability: The CWRC and LINCS Infrastructure Projects.” Paper presented at The Future Is Now: Collaborating for Sustainability in Digital Research. Critical Digital Humanities Initiative. University of Toronto. September 29, 2023.
  • Cummings, James, Diane Jakacki, Alexandra Healey, Carrie Pirman, Ian Johnson, Evie Jeffrey, and Valentina Flex. “Building Workflows for HTR to TEI Up-Conversion and Enhancement.” Paper presented at Encoding Cultures: Joint MEC and TEI Conference. Paderborn University. September 6, 2023.
  • Cummings, James, Diane Jakacki, Valentina Flex, Evie Jeffrey, Carrie Pirmann, Ian Johnson, and Alexandra Healey. “Documenting Workflows for HTR to TEI Conversions for Cultural Institutions: The Evolving Hands Project.” Paper presented at DH2023. Graz, Austria. July 10–14, 2023.
  • Crompton, Constance. “Building Digital Communities in the Humanities and Social Sciences.” Paper presented at Digital Humanities Summer Institute. University of Victoria. June 7, 2023. Invited.
  • Crompton, Constance, and Alice Defours. “From TEI to CIDOC-CRM with LINCS XTriples: Preserving Meaning across formats?” Paper presented at Encoding Cultures. Paderborn University. September 6, 2023.
  • Crompton, Constance. “Sex and Gender in TEI and RDF: Evolving Encoding Standards for the Lesbian and Gay Liberation in Canada Project.” Paper presented at Critical Digital Humanities Initiative. Univeristy of Toronto. February 2, 2023. Invited.
  • Dangoisse, Pascale, Constance Crompton, and Michelle Schwartz. “Le numérique comme méthodes et terrains. Perspectives féministes.” Paper presented at CNRS Centre pour Internet et Société. Paris. June 30, 2023.
  • Goddard, Lisa, Susan Brown, Stacy Allison-Cassin, Zachary Schoenberger. "LINCS: Building a Linked Data Pipeline for Cultural Heritage Collections." Access 2023. Halifax, NS. 25 October, 2023.
  • Jakacki, Diane. “LEAF & the Challenge of Making Accessible Environments for Digital Editorial Publishing.” Paper presented at Editing the Text, Editing the Page. Ca’Foscari University of Venice. October 5, 2023.
  • Jakacki, Diane. “Words Are Hard: Untangling Understandings of How Places were Important in REED London’s London.” Paper presented at Canadian Society For Digital Humanities / Société Canadienne Des Humanités Numériques. Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. York University. May 30, 2023.
  • Making Links: Connections, Cultures, Contexts. University of Guelph. May 5–7, 2023.
    • Arthur, Timothy, Michelle Meagher, and Jana Smith Elford. “Representing Missing Links with Linked Data: Archival Ghosts, Digital Haunting, and Absence in AdArchive.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 6, 2023.
    • Bergart, Robin and Zach Schoenberger. “Interfaces for Exploration: LINCS ResearchSpace.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 7, 2023.
    • Botha, Pieter, Susan Brown, Kim Martin, Sarah Roger, and Deb Stacey. “LINCS Beta Launch.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 5, 2023.
    • Botha, Pieter and Dawson MacPhee. “Linked Browsing: The Context Explorer.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 6, 2023.
    • Brosz, John. “From SPARQL to Tableau: How to Transform LINCS Data into Tableau Visualizations to Explore Datasets and Investigate Ideas.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 6, 2023.
    • Brown, Susan, Erin Canning, and Jessica Ye. “Ontologies for Situated, Contextualized Linked Open Data.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 5, 2023.
    • Callison, Camille and Stacy Allison-Cassin. “Respectful Terminologies and Decolonizing Linked Data.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 7, 2023.
    • Crompton, Constance, Alice Defours, and Rajvi Khatri. “Changing Languages, Preserving Meaning: Converting TEI to CIDOC-CRM with XTriples.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 6, 2023.
    • Frizzera, Luciano. “Linked Editing Academic Framework LEAF-Writer + the Named Entity Recognition Vetting Environment.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 6, 2023.
    • Goddard, Lisa. “Persistent Identifiers as Research Infrastructure.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 6, 2023.
    • Hervieux, Natalie. “Natural Language Processing for Linking and Relating Data.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 7, 2023.
    • Hervieux, Natalie and Jessica Ye. “Linking Up: 3M and OpenRefine Extension.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 6, 2023.
    • Ilovan, Mihaela. “The LINCS-LEAF Virtual Research Environment to Linked Data Bridge.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 6, 2023.
    • Jakacki, Diane and the Bucknell University Heresies Project Team. “Feminism, Art and Politics ... and Data.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 6, 2023.
    • Liebe, Lauren. “Challenges in Disambiguating Entity Data: The Advanced Research Consortium’s Approach to Vetting URIs.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 7, 2023.
    • MacDonald, Andrew and Pieter Botha. “Linking to and within Voyant Tools.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 7, 2023.
    • MacGregor, James and Angela Joosse. “Towards a New LOD-forward Research Infrastructure in Canada.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 6, 2023.
    • Mo, Alliyya. “Linking Up: VERSD.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 5, 2023.
    • Pálen, Akseli and Bryan Tarpley. “Interfaces for Exploration: Stratocumulus.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 7, 2023.
    • Pouyllau, Stéphane. “Ten Years of Semantic Web in a Research Infrastructure, What Uses for the Future?” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 6, 2023.
    • Roger, Sarah and Paul Barrett. “Here, There, Everywhere: Reconciling as a Reckoning with Place.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 7, 2023.
    • Watson, B. M. “Towards Theoretical Linking in the History of Sexuality.” Paper presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 7, 2023.
  • Martin, Kim. “UX, Design, and Community at LINCS.” Paper presented at Pelagios Annotation Working Group. May, 2023.
  • Nelson, Brent, Kyle Dase, Craig Harkema, and Darryl Friesen. “Object-Oriented Networks: Visualizing the Culture of Collecting in Early Modern England.” Paper presented at Renaissance Society of America Conference. San Juan Puerto Rico. March 9-11, 2023.
  • Nelson, Brent and Kyle Dase, with Craig Harkema and Darryl Friesen. “Event Builder and Event Viewer: From Ontology to Network Visualization.” Paper presented at Canadian Society For Digital Humanities / Société Canadienne Des Humanités Numériques. Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. York University. May 29-31, 2023.
  • Rees, Evan, Kim Martin, and Susan Brown. “Interfacing: Investigating the Adoption of Non-Humanities Tools by Humanities Projects.” Paper Presented at Implementing New Knowledge Enviromnents (INKE) Conference. University of Victoria. January, 2023.
  • Smith Elford, Jana and Michelle Meagher. “Feminist Futurities: Reimagining Data Authoring Praxis with LOD.” Paper presented at Canadian Society For Digital Humanities / Société Canadienne Des Humanités Numériques. Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. York University. May 29, 2023.


  • Brown, Susan, Deb Stacey, and Alliyya Mo. “Swirling and Shackling Literary Graphs.” Paper presented at Graphs and Networks in the Humanities 2022. Online. February 4, 2022.
  • Brown, Susan and Kim Martin. “Acts of (Re)Mediation: The Importance of Human Infrastructure in a Linked Data Ecosystem.” Paper presented at DH Unbound 2022. Association for Computers and the Humanities, Canadian Society for Digital Humanities, and Humanistica. Online. May 17, 2022.
  • Canning, Erin. “Connecting Diverse Humanities Datasets with CIDOC CRM.” Paper presented at ICOM CIDOC Conference. Online. August 2022.
  • Canning, Erin, Bri Watson, and the LD4 Ethics in Linked Data Affinity Group. “Linking Ethics & Data: The Creation and Use of Ethics in Linked Data Checklist.” Paper presented at LD4 2022. July 11, 2022.
  • Crompton, Constance. “La visualisation et les données qui durent” Paper presented at Entretiens Jacques Cartier: Équité, diversité et inclusion dans un contexte numérique. Ottawa. November 29, 2022. Invited.
  • Hervieux, Natalie, Kostyantyn Guzhva, Abeer Waheed, and Denilson Barbosa. “Natural Language Processing and Linked Infrastructure for Networked Cultural Scholarship.” Paper presented at Amii TechAid Reverse Expo. October 20, 2022.
  • Jakacki, Diane, Susan Brown, James Cummings, Mihaela Ilovan, and Carolyn Black. “The Linked Editorial Academic Framework: Creating an Editorial Environment for Collaborative Scholarship and Publication.” Paper presented at DH2022. Online. July 29, 2022.
  • Liebe, Lauren and Lauren Mandell. “Rethinking the Advanced Research Consortium: Disciplinary Restructuring and Linked Open Data.” Paper presented at DH2022. Online. July 27, 2022.
  • Liebe, Lauren. “Flexibility as Sustainability in Digital Humanities Projects.” Paper presented at DH2022. Online. July 26, 2022.
  • LINCS Sustainability Conference. University of Guelph. June 23–24, 2022.
    • Brown, Susan, Kim Martin, Deb Stacey, and Peter Patel-Schneider. “LINCS Overview and Update.” Paper presented at LINCS Sustainability Conference. June 23, 2022.
    • Buckland, Amy. “Cross-Sectoral Opportunities and Challenges.” Paper presented at LINCS Sustainability Conference. June 24, 2022.
    • Crompton, Constance. “Sustaining Open Source Software.” Paper presented at LINCS Sustainability Conference. June 23, 2022.
    • Goddard, Lisa. “Grants Menus.” Presentation at LINCS Sustainability Conference. June 23, 2022.
    • Jakacki, Diane. “Linked Editorial Academic Framework (LEAF).” Paper presented at LINCS Sustainability Conference. June 23, 2022.
    • Michon, Philippe. “Canadian Heritage Information Network Vocabulary and LOD Activities Update.” Paper presented at LINCS Sustainability Conference. June 23, 2022.
    • Ross, Rebecca. “Canadian PID Strategy.” Paper presented at LINCS Sustainability Conference. June 23, 2022.
  • Rockwell, Geoffrey, Natalie Hervieux, Huma Zafar, Kaylin Land, Andrew MacDonald, Denilson Barbosa, Luciano Frizzera, Mihaela Ilovan, and Susan Brown. “Web Services for Voyant: LINCS, Voyant and NSSI.” Paper presented at DH2022. Online. July 28, 2022.
  • Schoenberger, Zachary, Natalie Hervieux, Diane Jakacki, Kaylin Land, Andrew MacDonald, and Geoffrey Rockwell. “LINCS: A Linked Open Data Ecosystem.” Paper presented at DH Unbound 2022. Association for Computers and the Humanities, Canadian Society for Digital Humanities, and Humanistica. Online. May 18, 2022.


  • Brown, Susan. “Linked Open Data in Open Source.” Paper presented at World Open Library Foundation Conference (WOLFcon). Online. June 2, 2021.
  • Brown, Susan. “(Re:)Platforming.” Paper presented at Infrastructural Interventions: Digital Humanities and Critical Infrastructure Studies. King’s College London. June 20, 2021. Invited.
  • Crompton, Constance, Huma Zafar, Candice Lipski, and Alice Defours. “Mapping and Vetting: Converting TEI to Linked Data.” Paper presented at TEI 2021. Online. October 25–30, 2021.
  • Jakacki, Diane, Evan A. Klimas, Charlotte E. Simon, and Twity Gitonga. “Delving and Deciphering: New Researchers Bringing New Insights to Ongoing Projects.” Paper presented at TEI 2021. Online. October 25–30, 2021.
  • Jakacki, Diane and John Douglas Bradley. “Combining the Factoid Model with TEI: Examples and Conceptual Challenges.” Paper presented at TEI 2021. Online. October 25–30, 2021.
  • Jakacki, Diane, John Edward Westbrook, Rebecca Marie Heintzelmann, Juliya Harnood, and Sarah Harber. “Suzette’s Object Lessons or Pedagogy Cubed.” Paper presented at TEI 2021. Online. October 25–30, 2021.
  • Jenstad, Janelle. “Using <listPerson>, <person>, <name>, and <reg> to Make Editorial Arguments about Characters in Early Modern Drama.” Paper presented at TEI 2021. Online. October 25–30, 2021.
  • Land, Kaylin, Andrew MacDonald, and Geoffrey Rockwell. “Spyral Notebooks as a Collaborative Supplement to Voyant Tools.” Paper presented at CSDH-SCHN 2021: Making the Network. Online. May 30–June 3, 2021.
  • Land, Kaylin, Andrew MacDonald, and Geoffrey Rockwell. “Spyral Notebooks as a Collaborative Supplement to Voyant Tools.” Paper presented at European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH). Online. September 21–25, 2021.
  • Liebe, Lauren. “WOLFcon 2021—The Advanced Research Consortium.” Paper presented at World Open Library Foundation (WOLFcon). Online. June 3, 2021.
  • LINCS Conference. Online. May 5, 2021.
    • Brown, Susan. “Community Microgrants Information Session.” Paper presented at LINCS Conference. Online. May 5, 2021.
    • Brown, Susan, Kim Martin, and Deb Stacey. “LINCS Overview.” Paper presented at LINCS Conference. Online. April 30, 2021.
    • Canning, Erin. “Ontologies at LINCS.” Paper presented at LINCS Conference. Online. May 4, 2021.
  • Mo, Alliyya, Sarah Roger, Thomas Smith, and Hannah Stewart. “Agile LINCS: Building Student Community through Project Management.” Paper presented at Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) 2021: Project Management in the Humanities. Online. June 9, 2021.
  • Schoenberger, Zachary. “Linked Data Technologies for Canadian Humanities Research Infrastructure.” Paper presented at Canadian Research Software Conference. Online. July 7, 2021.
  • Tchoh, Bennett Kuwan, Kaylin Land, Andrew MacDonald, Milena Radzikowska, Stan Ruecker, Gerry Derksen, Jingwei Wang and Geoffrey Rockwell. “Speculating with Voyant: Designs for Data Walls.” Paper presented at CSDH-SCHN 2021: Making the Network. Online. May 30–June 3, 2021.


  • Brown, Susan and Kim Martin. “Linking Research(ers) In: Building Infrastructure for Open Scholarship.” Paper presented at Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE). Online. December 10, 2020.
  • Brown, Susan and Kim Martin. “Towards a Linked Infrastructure for Networked Cultural Scholarship.” Paper presented at CSDH-SCHN 2020: Building Community Online. Online. June 2, 2020.
  • Goddard, Lisa. “Long Term Preservation of Linked Data.” Paper presented at Access 2020. Online. October 20, 2020.
  • Mandell, Laura. “Faculty Curation and Linked Open Data:” Paper presented at LD4 Conference. Online. July 23, 2020. [1:00:43]

Conference Panels


  • Brown, Susan. "Perspectives." Closing panel at Reimagining Annotation for Multimodal Cultural Heritage. Université Rennes 2. 9 February.


  • Brown, Susan. “Infrastructure Partners Panel.” Panel presented at Canadian Research Knowledge Network Member Summit. October 5, 2023.
  • Brown, Susan and Mihaela Ilovan. “Supporting Linked Data use-cases in the Digital Humanities.” Panel presented at IslandoraCon. University of Toronto Scarborough. July 27, 2023.
  • Making Links: Connections, Cultures, Contexts. University of Guelph. May 7, 2023.
    • Bath, John, Susan Brown, Kim Martin, and Deb Stacey. “Linking Forward: Next Steps.” Panel presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 7, 2023.
    • Bergart, Robin, Nem Brunell, Jordan Lum, and Kim Martin. “UX at LINCS.” Panel presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 5, 2023.
    • Jenstad, Janelle, James Cummings, Diane Jakacki, Constance Crompton, and Magdalena Turska. “Linked Data in the TEI (Text Encoding Initiative).” Panel presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 7, 2023.


  • Brown, Susan. “Plenary Roundtable Honoring Stéfan Sinclair.” Panel presented at DH Unbound 2022. Association for Computers and the Humanities, Canadian Society for Digital Humanities, and Humanistica. May 18, 2022.
  • LINCS Sustainability Conference. University of Guelph. June 23–24, 2022.
    • Apavoo, Clare, Geoffrey Rockwell, and Michael Sinatra. “Consortial Models.” Panel presented at LINCS Conference. June 24, 2022.
    • Johnson, Kelly, Karen Nicholson, and Lisa Quinn. “Ecosystem Roundtable: Visions and Needs Across Sectors (Libraries, Archives, Museums, Publishing).” Panel presented at LINCS Conference. June 23, 2022.


  • Martin, Kim, Sarah Roger, Erin Canning, Zach Schoenberger, and Susan Brown. “Linking Communities of Practice.” Panel presented at CSDH-SCHN 2021: Making the Network. Online. May 30, 2021.
  • LINCS Conference. Online. May 5, 2021.
    • Botha, Pieter. “LINCS DevOps.” Panel presented at LINCS Conference. Online. May 3, 2021.
    • Hervieux, Natalie. “Improving Efficiency for Entity Linking.” Panel presented at LINCS Conference. Online. May 3, 2021.
    • Martin, Kim, Diane Jakacki, Alison Hedley, Michelle Meagher, and Jana Smith Elford. “LINCS Researcher Q&A Panel.” Panel presented at LINCS Conference. May 5, 2021.
    • Martin, Kim, Hannah Stewart, Rashmeet Kaur, Thomas Smith, and Michaela Rye. “THINC Lab Student Talks and Q&A Panel.” Panel presented at LINCS Conference. April 29, 2021.


Conference Posters


  • Jakacki, Diane, Susan Brown, James Cummings, and Mihaela Ilovan. “Engaging Editors and Students Through LEAF-Writer.” Poster presented at Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 2023. York University. May 31, 2023.
  • Martin, Kim, Susan Brown, Alliyya Mo, and Deb Stacey. “LINCS: From Context to Reconciliation to Exploration.” Poster presented at Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 2023. York University. May 31, 2023.
  • Nelson, Brent, Kyle Dase, and Craig Harkema. “Event Builder and Event Viewer: From Ontology to Network Visualization.” Poster presented at Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 2023. York University. May 31, 2023.

Keynote Addresses


  • Crompton, Constance. “Infrastructure for Us When Infrastructure is Us: Training and Mentoring to Sustain and Share Open Social Scholarship.” Keynote presented at Implementing New Knowledge Environments Annual Meeting. University of Victoria. January 17, 2023. Invited.
  • Making Links: Connections, Cultures, Contexts. University of Guelph. May 7, 2023.
    • Meirelles, Isabel. “Form in Forms: A Conversation about Meaning Making in Data Visualization.” Keynote presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 5, 2023.
    • Buckland, Amy. “I Want You to See What I See: Linked Data in the Canadian Context.” Keynonte presented at Making Links. University of Guelph. May 7, 2023.


  • Allison-Cassin, Stacy. “Libraries, Linked Data, and Decolonization.” Keynote address at SWIB22 (Semantic Web in Libraries 2022). November 28, 2022.
  • Brown, Susan. “Situating Knowledge through Linking Data.” Keynote address at CGPS Interdisciplinary Studies. University of Saskatchewan. Online. April 13, 2022.
  • Crompton, Constance. “Situated, Partial, Common, Shared: TEI Data as Capta.” Keynote address at TEI Conference and Members’ Meeting 2022. Newcastle University. September 13, 2022.
  • LINCS Sustainability Conference University of Guelph. May June 22–23, 2022.
    • Allison-Cassin, Stacy. “Sustainable Knowledge Organization for Indigenous Communities.” Keynote address at LINCS Sustainability Conference. University of Guelph. June 23, 2022.
    • Sanderson, Rob. “Data Is Our Product: Thoughts on Sustainability of Cultural Heritage Linked Open Data.” Keynote address at LINCS Sustainability Conference. University of Guelph. June 23, 2022.


  • Brown, Susan. “Meaningful Collaborations: Semantic Technologies and Cultural Research.” Keynote address at Seminar on Digital Humanities In and About the Americas. Institute des Amériques. University of Avignon. Online. February 11, 2021.


Summit Presentations


  • Crompton, Constance. “Building an Inclusive Web.” Summit presentation at Royal Society Meeting: Science Trust and Society. Inclusive Culture Under Siege. Ottawa, Canada. September 9, 2020.
  • Crompton, Constance. “When the Web is Big, and the Archives are Deep: Collaboration in Lesbian and Gay Liberation in Canada Project.” Summit presentation at Spectrums of DH. McGill University. November 19, 2020.

Guest Lectures


  • Brown, Susan. “Metadata for Gender.” Lecture for a meeting of the Reference and Research Working Group and Editorial Standards Working Group of the Situated Networks and Archival Contexts. Online. May 28, 2021. Invited.
  • Canning, Erin. “Linked Open Data at LINCS.” Lecture for INF2186H: Metadata Schemas & Applications. University of Toronto. 2021.
  • Rockwell, Geoffrey. “Voyant, Spyral: A Discourse on Practice in the Digital Humanities.” Lecture for the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. McGill University. Online. November 2021.

Public Talks


  • Crompton, Constance. “Could we Train Machine-Learning Algorithms to Reflect a More Equitable Worldview?” Public talk at Séminaire de recherche: Interroger les usages des données par les personnes et les organisations dans un monde d’algorithmes. Ottawa. September 22, 2023. Invited.
  • Jakacki, Diane. “For Want of a Nail: Need, Speed, and the Future of Cooperation in Digital Scholarly Production.” Public talk for the Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques, University of Ottawa’s DH Hub, and the University of Guelph THINC Lab. January 26, 2023.


  • Allison-Cassin, Stacy, Sharon Farnel, and Deanna Reder. “The Ethics of Indigenous Digital Scholarship.” Public talk for the University of Ottawa’s DH Hub and the University of Guelph THINC Lab. March 23, 2022.


  • Bath, Jon. “Is this Data? Research Process as Data in the Arts.” Public talk for Research Data Management for Digitally Curious Humanists. Online. June 14, 2021.
  • Brown, Susan. “PIDs: What Do Researchers Need to Know?” Public talk for CRKN’s “The Who, What, and Where of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)!” Online. March 17, 2021.
  • Brown, Susan and Kim Martin. “Building Connections with LINCS.” Public talk for the British Library’s Wikipedia Wednesdays. Online. June 30, 2021.
  • Goddard, Lisa. “What’s Next for PIDs in Canada?” Public talk for CRKN’s The Who, What, and Where of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)! Online. May 12, 2021.




  • Brown, Susan, Alliyya Mo, Natalie Hervieux, Jessica Ye, Zach Schoenberger, Pieter Botha, Sarah Roger, and Kim Martin. “Linked Open Data Fundamentals.” Workshop for DH@Guelph 2023. University of Guelph. May 9, 2023.
  • Brown, Susan, Alliyya Mo, Natalie Hervieux, Jessica Ye, Zach Schoenberger, Pieter Botha, Sarah Roger, and Kim Martin. “Making Connections: The Semantic Web for Humanities Scholars.” Workshop for DH@Guelph 2023. University of Guelph. May 9–12, 2023.
  • Brown, Susan and Diane Jakacki. “Creating Meaningful Texts Online.” Workshop for DHSI@Congress 2023. York University. June 1, 2023.
  • Brown, Susan, Kim Martin, Alliyya Mo, and Sarah Roger. “A Very Brief Introduction to Linked Open Data.” Workshop for DHSI@Congress 2023. York University. June 1, 2023.
  • Hervieux, Natalie. “OpenRefine for Linked Open Data.” Online. October 17, 2023.
  • Jakacki, Diane, Susan Brown, James Cummings, Mihaela Ilovan, and Rachel Milio. “LEAF: Developing Streamlined Digital Scholarly Workflows with the Linked Editing Academic Framework.” Workshop for DH2023. Graz, Austria. July 10, 2023.
  • Jakacki, Diane. “Engaging Editors through LEAF-Writer.” Workshop for Bucknell University. December 2023.
  • Jakacki, Diane and Susan Brown. “LEAF-Writer: Low-Barrier Text Encoding for Teaching and Editing.” Workshop for Modern Language Association. San Francisco. January 7, 2023.
  • Ye, Jessica and Sarah Roger. “Introduction to Linked Open Data at LINCS.” Workshop for xDX. York University. July 20–21, 2023.


  • Brown, Susan and Kim Martin. “DHN 3312/5101/0900: Introduction to Linked Open Data.” Workshop for DHSITE 2022. University of Ottawa. May 26-27, 2022.
  • Crompton, Constance. “Planning Web Projects for Longevity and Sustainability.” Workshop for DHSITE 2022. University of Ottawa. May 24-25, 2022.
  • Hervieux, Natalie. “Linked Open Data with LINCS: OpenRefine.” Workshop for DHSITE 2022. University of Ottawa. May 2022.
  • Liebe, Lauren and Lauren Mandell. “Getting Started with the Advanced Research Consortium.” Workshop for DH2022. July 25, 2022.
  • MacDonald, Andrew James, Geoffrey Rockwell, and Kaylin Land. “Spyral Launch Workshop.” Workshop for DH Unbound 2022. May 18, 2022.


  • Brown, Susan. “Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory.” Workshop for Initiative. June 10, 2021. Invited.
  • Brown, Susan and Kim Martin. “A Very Brief Introduction to Linked Open Data with LINCS.” Workshop for DH Toolbox. University of Ottawa. Online. June 10, 2021.
  • Brown, Susan and Kim Martin. “Linking Cultures.” Workshop for DHSITE. University of Ottawa. May 2021.
  • Brown, Susan, Kim Martin, and Deb Stacey. “Ontologies for Diversity.” Workshop for DH@Guelph. Online. June 14–17, 2021.
  • Canning, Erin. “Vocabularies vs/and Ontologies: Comparing CWRC and LINCS Ontologies.” Workshop for DH@Guelph. Online. June 14–17, 2021.
  • Martin, Kim, Rashmeet Kaur, and Kathleen McCulloch-Cop. “LINCS UX.” Workshop for LD4. Online. October 2021.
  • Martin, Kim, Susan Brown, Erin Canning, Rashmeet Kaur, Kathleen McCullough-Cop, Alliyya Mo, and Sarah Roger. “Linked Data for Context.” Workshop for LD4. Online. July 21, 2021.
  • Rockwell, Geoffrey and Kaylin Land. “Using Voyant Tools with Spyral Notebooks for Text Analysis.” Workshop for DH Workbench. Ryerson University. March 11, 2021.
  • Rockwell, Geoffrey and Kaylin Land. “Voyant and Spyral.” Workshop for DigiPhiLit. University of Antwerp. 2021.
  • Rockwell, Geoffrey and Kaylin Land. “Voyant and Spyral.” Workshop for Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) 2021. Online. June 23, 2021.
  • Tarpley, Bryan and Lauren Liebe. “Corpora Demonstration.” Workshop for LINCS Conference. Online. May 3, 2021.
  • Zafar, Huma, Luciano Frizzera, and Mihaela Ilovan. “NERVE Demonstration.” Workshop for LINCS Conference. Online. May 4, 2021.


  • Brown, Susan, Deb Stacey, and Alliyya Mo. “CWRC Ontologies.” Workshop for LINCS Project. Online. August 13, 2020.
  • Crompton, Constance. “Linked Open Data: Understand It, Use It, Make It—Hands On with Open Refine, Wikidata, and SPARQL Queries.” Workshop for LINCS Project. Online. August 28, 2020.
  • Crompton, Constance. “Linked Open Data: Understand It, Use It, Make It—Introduction to LOD.” Workshop for LINCS Project. Online. August 14, 2020.
  • Ilovan, Mihaela and Luciano Frizzera. “XML Editor CWRC-Writer and the Named Entity Recognition Vetting Environment (NERVE).” Workshop for LINCS Project. Online. April 29, 2020.